December 03, 2011

Flood - Cars Damaged !

The flooding which just happened in Kajang was an unfortunate event which cause losses to businessmen, household properties and also motorists. In some areas, the water level rose to as high as chest level. At this height, no matter you own a SUV or sedan, the flood water is high enough to damage your car's engine and electrical components.

Flash flood is a kind of flood which come without any warning and occurs rapidly. Grabbed from a Youtube video, the snapshot above shows motorists trapped in a jam when the water level of the flood was rising fast! Basically there is nothing that you can do in this condition other than watching your car slowly submerging in the flood......

You wouldn't want your exotic car to be a victim of flood! *Happened in Singapore*

Flash flood is considered as one of the natural disasters like earthquake. Therefore, cars damaged by flood will not be compensated by insurance companies and some will be declared as total loss due to extensive damage.

*Follow me @simon_har and subscribe SiMon HaR_ ya ;)
