July 21, 2010

Review of Inception (film)

The movie was awesome! But the poster look like grabbed from a scene of the movie '2012':

The ticket price was effing expensive!

It will be complicated for me to explain the storyline here. For those who haven't watch Inception, be prepared because you need to pay attention to every details in the movie in order to understand.

There were terms like extractor (extracts infomation in people's dream) and inception (implants idea or thought into people's mind in dream) that you have to understand.

They gonna do an inception into the man at left by going into dream state!

Leonardo Dicaprio (Titanic) acted Dom Cobb, an extractor who steals idea from someone in their dream. Also, Ellen Page (Juno) starred as Ariadne, an architect who design the world of dream.
In the movie, there are multiple layers of dream, meaning dream in dream. 5 mins in real world = 1 hour in first layer of dream, so on and so forth. In order to wake up, they have to die in example, 2nd layer of dream in order to get back to 1st layer of dream.

The coolest part was the anti-gravity fighting scene! So amazed!

This is not an ordinary movie, and that's why it's so special! Kudos to Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, Memento), the director of this movie for creating such impressive storyline. But the movie would be perfect if the story was easier to understand.

Rating: 9 out of 10!
