May 22, 2012

ADV: Vote for the finalist of Ford Ranger Challenge !

What's with the cameraman recording the 2012 Ford Ranger wading over a stream? He was actually recording one of the five finalists chosen for the Ford Ranger Challenge performing his task! If you remember, the contestants have to come up with an idea or task to push the upcoming Ford Ranger to its limit.

Since the top 5 finalists has been chosen, you can now vote for your favourite entry online from 21st May - 22th June 2012. The grand prize winner will be selected based on the most number of thumbs he garnered and also decision from the panel of judges. The prizes are as below:

Grand prize: A 2012 Ford Ranger XLT 2.2L Manual Transmission with an approximate retail value of RM100,000 plus The Malaysia Ranger Challenge merchandise!
First runner up: RM9,888 cash and a RM10,000 voucher to purchase the All-New Ford Ranger plus Global Ranger Challenge merchandise. 
Second runner up: RM3,888 cash and a RM5,000 voucher to purchase the All-New Ford Ranger plus Global Ranger Challenge merchandise.

Voters are not left out too! There will be special merchandise to be won too such as G-Shock watch, Ford T-shirt, thumb drive, caps, thumbler, so on and so forth.

The mechanics are very simple. Voters have to register themselves at to be eligible to cast vote. Then, the 50th, 100th and 150th voters and so on will be chosen to answer a tie breaker question to stand a chance to win great prize! The voter with the most creative answer will walk away with a G-Shock watch while the rest will get ONE item from Ford merchandise list while stock last.

Isn't this a great news? Let's cast our vote now!

*Follow me @simon_har and subscribe SiMon HaR_ ya ;)
