June 04, 2012

Perodua - You Drive, You Win

 Many car manufacturers are offering great awards and benefits to encourage the members of the public to test drive their cars. Perodua is following the trend now by announcing the 'You Drive, You Win' campaign, a test drive contest which will be held from 4th to 30th of June 2012.

Awesome prizes worth RM93,000 are waiting for you, those include 2X RM5000 cash prizes, 5X LED TV sets worth RM4000 each and 10X Samsung Galaxy S Advance. You will be entitled for a contest form after test driving any Perodua car, which has to be filled up and dropped into the contest box at the showroom. You will double your chances of winning if you register a Perodua car in the contest period!

Winners will be drawn and informed in week 4 of July via mail and e-mail. This is a great move by Perodua in promoting its product, but it will be better if Perodua is offering a car as the grand prize of this contest!

*Follow me @simon_har and subscribe SiMon HaR_ ya ;)
