October 29, 2012

Proton and Honda sign Collaboration Agreement !

 Proton's new owner, DRB Hicom has announced that Honda is Proton's new Japanese strategic partner. The deal was finalised recently and signed in Japan. Under the agreement, Proton and Honda will be able to explore more in concurrent engineering, each other's technology, new product line-up, platform and facilities sharing. This collaboration will certainly help both parties in becoming better car manufacturers in the future.

 Personally I'm more interested in the 'platform sharing' part. Which Honda model(s) would you like to see to be shared by Proton in the future? Honda City? I would like to have a cheaper City with Proton's badge, but this is unlikely since City is one of Honda's best sellers in Malaysia. Giving Proton the chance to produce cheaper City would definitely affect Honda's sales greatly!

Honda Jazz would be the best candidate for the 'platform sharing' plan. It's compact on the outside and spacious in the inside, stylish, practical and most probably wouldn't affect Honda much in terms of sales if it's rebaged as a Proton. Sorry, I couldn't help but to use the word 'rebadge', but it's actually a usual scene for other manufacturers around the world to save cost and shorten the production time. In short, it's concurrent engineering.

A RM60k-RM80k Honda Jazz would be enticing for buyers, since the cheapest Jazz is selling at RM99k in Malaysia now! Or perhaps a Proton has a 'Proton Jazz Hybrid' in mind? Only time will tell......

*Thanks for reading! Follow me @simon_har and subscribe SiMon HaR_!

6 Gossips:

Nikel Khor said...

Hybrid car soon...

Ariff said...

Campro iVtec please.

Happy walker said...

hope the price will be down~

SiMon Har said...

Nikel: probably!
Faizul: haha! that's what everyone is hoping for!
Mr.Lonely: for sure it will if it's rebadged as Proton...

Koh Kian Fai said...

collaboration only ke? lol . . . maybe some big company should totally over take this proton and stop "wasting money" to make useless car thou :X

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