December 04, 2012

iPhone 5 arrives in Malaysia on Dec 14th

The wait is over! For Apple fans and future smartphones buyers, iPhone 5 is coming to Malaysia on Dec 14th! On the same day, countries like Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Taiwan and UAE will be launching the iPhone 5 as well.

The long awaited iPhone 5 has been available in 47 countries right now. As we all know, the iPhone 5 features a longer, 4-inch screen with retina display, and is lighter and thinner than its predecessor, the iPhone 4S. Available in two colours, white with silver and black with slate and also two storage size options, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.

Right now there's no news on the official pricing yet but hopefully the pricing will remain the same (if not cheaper) as iPhone 4S, with the cheapest 16GB iPhone priced at RM2190.

*Thanks for reading! Follow me @simon_har and subscribe SiMon HaR_!
